Monday, September 2, 2024

Review: A Bit Much: Poems by Lyndsay Rush

A Bit Much: Poems A Bit Much: Poems by Lyndsay Rush
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was provided both an ebook and audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

The author narrates the audiobook, which doesn't always work for novels, but is so perfect when it comes to poetry.  I don't think anyone can deliver poetry quite the same way as the poet, so I always appreciate a self narrated poetry collection.

I don't think I've ever connected to a poetry collection the way I did to this one.  It is straight forward, witty, and relatable.  It deals with body image, weight, aging, relationships, and so many other things you have to deal with as a woman.  These poems really spoke to me and I'm grateful to have been able to both listen and read along with them.  I really enjoyed the style of poems, they aren't super complex or long.  The author gets to the point and they all have clever titles.  That won't be everyone's preference when it comes to poetry.  For me these were thought provoking without having to think about the meaning of the poem because it was right there on the page.

I thoroughly enjoyed this humorous and clever collection of poems and look forward to reading more from the author in the future.  This is a collection I'll be buying because it made me feel seen and and that being "a bit much" might just be the right amount.

View all my reviews

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