Sunday, September 29, 2024

Review: Forever Starts Tonight by Karla Sorensen

Forever Starts Tonight Forever Starts Tonight by Karla Sorensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via the author, all opinions are my own.

I love the Wilder family so much, and Poppy's book has been long anticipated.  She and Jax have been tiptoeing around each other for years and fans of the Karla's have been begging for their story to be told.  I was not disappointed one bit, and I hope other readers felt the same.

Poppy is the youngest of the Wilders, she has 6 older siblings and at 25 they still treat her like the beloved baby of the family not like the adult she is.  She loves her family, and appreciates their concern, but sometimes she wishes they would give her the credit and grace that she has shown them and they have shown each other as they grew into the people they are today and the mistakes they made along the way.  I loved how she addressed that with them by the way.  Poppy has always had a huge crush on her older brother's best friend Jax.  Everyone knows about it, and thought it was cute and that she would grow out of it.  He is 10 years older than her and she was always off limits.  What no one knows, is that as Poppy grew up Jax started developing feelings for Poppy.  Jax has always been a lone wolf with an adventurous spirit.  Part of that stems from the way he was raised and not learning the real value of relationships.  

Fueled by a bad date and a little liquid courage Poppy decides to confront Jax with her feelings and get him out of her system.  They agree to one night, no strings.  Jax as he does when he gets into his feelings disappears for a pilgrimage to in Spain for several months.  Working for the Wilder construction business, they understand his need to get away every so often and let him go.  Poppy on the other had finds out she is pregnant but doesn't let her family in on who the father is.  When Jax return, he and her family immediately find out but Poppy also has a boyfriend which makes things awkward for everyone.  They both have to confront not only the logistics of co-parenting but their own feelings for each other.

I really loved the development of Jax and Poppy's relationship and all the interactions with the Wilder family.   I'm normally not a fan of pregnancy trope books, but this was really well done and the pregnancy doesn't overtake the book.  Their relationship and interactions are at the forefront which kept me engaged.  There are some angsty parts as we learn about Jax's childhood and why he has such a hard time with relationships.  There are also some sad parts as the Wilder family is still dealing with the loss of their father and husband.  

You can read this as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading the other books related.  

View all my reviews

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