Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Review: The Haunting of Moscow House by Olesya Salnikova Gilmore

The Haunting of Moscow House The Haunting of Moscow House by Olesya Salnikova Gilmore
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley and the Berkley Besties program, all opinions are my own.

This was a very interesting gothic historical tale with romantic and paranormal elements to keep the reader interested.  This follows two sisters, whos family has fallen from the aristocracy in post revolutionary Russia.  Their family and ancient mansion referred to as Moscow House keeps many secrets, and Irina and Lili have to uncover the most devastating of the secrets known only by their beloved uncle who passed several years ago and their strange aunt who currently lives with them in order to save what is left of their family.  Lili uncovers her uncle's diaries and learns some of those secrets and how to fight some of the strange and terrible things that have been happening in their home.

In the meantime both Lili and Irina have taken jobs with the American Relief Administration in an attempt to feed the remaining members of their family.  They are barely surviving, but their new jobs may be seen as treason by the current regime, especially the men who have taken over their house.  Both girls must carefully navigate tricky family and political situations while also developing romantic relationships.  

I thought this was entertaining enough, but it didn't have enough paranormal elements for a haunted house story in my opinion.  This was more character driven and centered around the familial relationships and relationships the sisters had with the people around them.   The research that went into the time period and the setting was excellent! 

Overall, this was a great fall read.  It is spooky with the creepy house and gothic elements.  Slavic folklore is fascinating and it has great characters.  

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