Saturday, September 7, 2024

Review: We Love the Nightlife by Rachel Koller Croft

We Love the Nightlife We Love the Nightlife by Rachel Koller Croft
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This was an interesting trip through the nightlife of the late 70's and early 80's disco scene in London.  Amber is an American who loves to dance and visit the many disco clubs the city has to offer.  Her husband prefers a quiet night at home.  Enter Nicola, another fun disco loving party girl who befriends Amber with her glitz and glamour.  Unbeknownst to Amber, Nicola is a vampire and she is looking for someone to be her companion as the years go by.

Fast forward 50 years and Amber has had enough of Nicola and her manipulative ways.  She forms a plan to get away from her maker, but things go off the rails when Nicola decides they should open their own disco club reminiscent of the clubs they used to visit when they first met.  Can they reignite the friendship they once had or will everything go up in flames?

This is a book you are either really love or be indifferent to.  I fall in the latter, I also don't typically care for character driven novels.  I found the pacing a bit slow for my taste.  The friendship between Nicola and Amber was toxic from the start, but you still want to know what is going to happen between them  Nicola's anti-hero persona was kind of compelling despite her being kind of evil and manipulative in the end.  Amber was kind of a pushover which is why she was kind of the perfect companion for so long, but I did like the twist in the end where she finally finds a backbone.

Overall, this wasn't bad, it wasn't necessarily to my taste but I think people that like a more contemporary spin to their fantasy will really enjoy it.  I prefer more fantasy in my vampire books.

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