Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Review: Star Father by Charlie N. Holmberg

Star Father Star Father by Charlie N. Holmberg
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley, however it took me so long to read it I've since purchased both the ebook and audiobook versions of the book.  As always all opinions are my own.

I read Star Mother ages ago, and it had a unique concept.  Both books read as standalones, but this book give Saiyon's story closure.  I do recommend reading Star Mother first to get a better handle on the world and the lore.

This takes place after the events of Star Mother and follows Aija, a farmer and artist in the wake of the sun disappearing from the sky.  The world enters into darkness, and her family does their best to survive in the endless night they've found themselves in.  A few days after the sun's disappearance, Aija finds a sick man by the river on her way to gather water.  As she nurses him back to health she realizes he's not a normal man, but in fact he is the Sun God and he has lost his divinity.  An attraction quickly develops between Aija and Saiyon, but they know their time together is fleeting.  He must return to the his war with the Moon Goddess that has been raging for millennia and once his powers return he can't be with Aija without hurting her.  

Aija is determined to be with her true love and she is willing to sacrifice anything to be with him.  She begins a quest for immortality and makes many sacrifices and suffers greatly on her way.  She isn't willing to give up until she gets her man.  Aija comes off as a bit obsessed with Saiyon and she is willing to hurt everyone else in her life to be with him.  I kind of had a problem with the fact that she abandoned her family and everyone else that took care of her while she was sick and injured for a man.  I'm all for love and making sacrifices to be with the one you love, but she came off a bit over the top stubborn and obsessive.  I'm all for a strong, determined, female main character but Aija came off a bit lovesick and boy crazy.

The world building was good and unique and I liked the concept of the gods and godlings.  Overall this wasn't to my taste but think others who enjoy a more romance heavy plot will enjoy this.

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