Monday, September 30, 2024

Review: We'll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida

We'll Prescribe You a Cat We'll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley and the Berkley Besties Program.

This was a cute contemporary fiction with a hint of what I felt was magical realism that follows five different people as they search for a solution to their life's problems.  Through word of mouth they are sent to a strange clinic where the prescription is always a cat, because "Cats can solve most problems."  Each person goes through a soul searching and self-discovery journey during their prescription time with their cat.

This was very heartwarming and really shows the healing power of pets, in this case cats.  I'm a dog person myself, and my pups have always brought joy and happiness to my home.  We got our current dog about a month before the COVID shut down, and about a year before our beloved older dog passed from old age.  He is almost 5 now, and he helped us get through that tough time and completes our family.  This made me think of that as the cats in the book provided each of the humans with something else to focus on and some much needed emotional support.

This book is set in Kyoto, Japan and is translated.  As someone who is not 100% familiar with all of the customs and cultural references, I'm sure I missed some of the references as there is always something lost in translation.  There was some humor that I found a bit dry, which I often find to be the case in translated books.  It has nothing to do with the skill of the author,   Overall I thought this was super cute and cozy.  If you are a cat lover or an animal lover in general you will really appreciate this!

View all my reviews

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