Saturday, September 28, 2019

Review: Baking Me Crazy by Karla Sorensen

Baking Me Crazy Baking Me Crazy by Karla Sorensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first of many books being released by Smartypants Romance, brainchild of Penny Reid. This is set in Green Valley and the Donner Bakery where Jennifer Winston nee Donner makes her famous banana cakes and she fell in love with Cletus. While Jen and Cletus have cameos in this, Penny's characters do not play a large role in the storyline. The main characters Joss and Levi as well as all of the side characters are all Sorensen's own and you will love getting to know them.

Joss and Levi met 5 years ago when he was coaching her wheelchair basketball team. For Levi it was love at first sight, as the men in his family have a "curse" and when they meet the one that's it for them. He immediately knew Joss was the girl for him. Joss is new to town and still trying to get used to life in a wheelchair after recovering from a virus that has left her partially paralyzed. Levi eventually asks her on a date, but Joss turns him down and asks if they can be friends instead. Fast forward 5 years and they are best friends. Levi is looking for a job as a physical therapist after graduating from college and Joss has gotten a job at the local bakery. Levi is still head over heels in love with her but she has no clue because she doesn't really think anyone can see past her chair and the issues it would bring to a relationship. She has a bit of a self-confidence problem, but with Levi and his family she is just Joss and they love and respect her. As she puts herself out there by working in the bakery she meets a new guy that sparks an attraction that she isn't used to feeling. Turns out the guy at the bakery is also her new physical therapist. When she tells Levi that she might have romantic feelings for someone he is naturally hurt, but with advice from his family he starts to let her know that PT guy has some competition. Their friends to lovers relationship begins to take off from there and while it wasn't smooth sailing it was funny and adorable to watch them figure things out.

This was so much fun to read. I adored the characters and I loved being back in Green Valley. I want to get to know more about all of the side characters and I hope we get the opportunity. If you are looking for a super angsty story, this isn't it. It doesn't have a ton of drama, which let's be real sometimes you just need a feel good story with a happy ending. This is that story. I really enjoyed it!

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