Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tag Tuesday: Bad Habits Book Tag

I've recently seen this tag going around on youtube, and I really liked the questions. I'll leave goodreads links or links or links to my reviews if I have one posted. Check out HardbackHoarder, Pages and Pens, and the tag creator The Book Pusher's video's for more ideas.

1. Binge drinking - An alcoholic book character

Luke from the Probability of Violet and Luke by Jessica Sorensen. Violet and Luke's story are part of the much larger The Coincidence series. Their story begins with book 4 and goes on to atleast book 6. I've only read 4 and 5 in the series. I've kind of lost interest in the series at this point, but it was OK. Luke has a problem with alcohol and gambling. Violet is a foster kid with problems of her own. They realize they might be good for each other after a while, but they both have a ton of baggage.

2. Biting your nails - A book that made you nervous

Ryan's Bed by Tijan - this book deals with grief and suicide. I wasn't sure how I was going to take it, and like most of Tijan's fans I was afraid of ugly crying as I read it. I didn't cry, but it was a great read.

3. Unhealthy eating - a book that mentions (or for which the theme is) eating disorders

This is a tough category for me, I feel like I've probably come across a book that has mentioned an eating disorder but I can't for the life of me come up with one. So here is a list of YA Eating Disorder Fiction books from GoodReads, I can't speak to whether they are good or not or whether they have good rep. Wintergirls came up several times in my google searches and its number 1 on almost every list, so I may add that to my TBR.

4. Staying up late - A book you read into the night

Don't Look Back by Jennifer Armentrout - I started this book one night after my boys went to bed and just couldn't put it down. It was a case of I'll just read until the end of the chapter, then one more page, then I'll just finish this chapter, several hours later I was done. I loved it and didn't see the end coming. I'm really looking forward to the

5. Procrastination - A book you want to read, but you keep putting it off
So many to pick from, my bookshelf is overflowing, my TBR is so long I don't think I'll ever read everything on it, and my holds list at the library is maxed out. If I have to choose a book I'm going to go with Dragonsworn by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I was so upset with the last book in the series, that I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with the series. This is book 28 in the series I think, and I have pretty much all of her books in physical copy so, I bought it but I haven't read it yet. The review for Dragonmark is one of the first ones I posted on my blog and being so irritated with that book is what inspired me to start leaving book reviews and start blogging. I love this series and I hope this one makes up for the last one so I can keep reading in this world.

6. Swearing - A book in which an author or a character uses colourful language
Marriage of Inconvenience by Penny Reid Dan the Security Man pretty much can't say a sentence without swearing, but he is sweet, loyal, and kind. He's the best kind of guy, he just has a creative way of expressing himself. Dan reminds me of my husband, he's tough, swears alot, but he's awesome. I loved the conclusion to this series, and the series as a whole. I highly recommend the entire Knitting in the City series and I've enjoyed all of Penny's books.

7. Smoking - A book you can't get enough of (bc nicotine, get it?) OR a book that is literally cancer (u can answer both if you're an overachiever)

This question is strange, but a series I've read Samantha Young's On Dublin Street more than once and this is another series I've loved and think the whole series is awesome. Samantha has been one of my favorite author's for a long time and I'm so happy she's had such success with this series and her other contemporary works. I do recommend her self-published YA paranormal books as well, that's how I found her.

I'm also going to mention Marina by Carlos Ruiz Zafon because this book is beautiful and terrifying. One of the characters suffers and succumbs to cancer.

8. Overspending - An expensive book you bought

Every hardback ever, but I'm going to go with my latest purchase of Norse Mythology but Neil Gaiman. I even got it on sale for 40% off and it was still expensive.

9. Lying - A book you lied about having read

I don't think I technically lied about having read this because I read most of it but I'm pretty sure I never finished Lord of the Flies. This was assigned reading in middle school, and I'm 99% sure I didn't finish it and I remember not liking it. I also remember nothing about it. Maybe I'll see if I can get it on audio book so I can officially finish it or atleast remember finishing it.

10. Speeding - A book you read really fast

Down among the sticks and bones by Seanan McGuire. I know this is a novella so it isn't that long, but I think I read this in about 2 hours on a flight. I was so engrossed in the world. I also read it right before Halloween and I have a soft spot for books with vampires and creepy stuff. I really enjoyed book 2 and book 3 of this series.

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