Friday, March 30, 2018

Review: Winter Glass by Lexa Hillyer

Winter Glass Winter Glass by Lexa Hillyer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Edelweiss+ in exchange for an honest review.  This book will be released on April 10, 2018.

This picks up almost exactly where Spindle Fire leaves off. Much like with Spindle Fire there is alot going on in Winter Glass. There is almost too much to keep track of. This isn't just a Sleeping Beauty reimagining, there are bits of Cinderella and other fairy tale inspiration thrown in. I also needed a family tree to keep track of all of the characters. There were way to many perspectives in this book. Any time there are more than two perspectives in a book, I tend to lost track of what is going on and that definitely happened here. We get the perspective of the two main characters, sisters Aurora and Isabelle, several of the fae, and a few side characters. I felt like the side characters and fae didn't give us enough to be significant, but the material was relevant. I'm not sure how the information could have been delivered in a different way, but I didn't like the execution.

This book has a slower pace considering the decent amount of action going on. The war is underway, Isabelle and William are fighting from different angles and Malfluer is determined to take over. Aurora is fighting her own war to save the people she found in the alternate world of Sommeil, who are now in her world after Malfluer has taken down Belcour. (see what I mean about alot going on) Aurora teams up with Wren and the other survivors to fight Malfluer, but she gets captured and makes a bargain with the fae queen. Meanwhile, Isabelle is gathering soldiers to their cause and trying to find a way to protect her kingdom. She happens upon a glass slipper that might be the answers to all of their problem, but what she finds isn't what she was expecting. It turns out the slipper is made of Winter Glass, which isn't what it appears. I hesitate to say more without spoiling the book.

Overall, the book is entertaining. There is character growth, action, magic, and some romance. If you like fantasy and retellings I'd give this series a go.

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