Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Review: Stage Smart by Aly Stiles

Stage Smart Stage Smart by Aly Stiles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via the author and Smartypants Romance, all opinions are my own.

This was hilarious, while also being sweet and heartbreaking at times!  This reads as a standalone but it has interconnected characters, and if you want the full comedic impact of Chad and to understand some of the stuff he's talking about, I'd start at the beginning.  There are a lot of references to things from the previous books, but they aren't really necessary to follow along with Val and Larinda's story.  If you find yourself saying "what in the world?" I'd start back at the beginning and you will understand what is going on.  Despite this being Val and Larinda's book, I feel like this was Chad's book too.  

This follows Larinda, a successful country music start who wants to take control of her music.  She's found a young, new producer who sees her vision and doesn't try to walk all over her or shut her down when she has a suggestion like the rest of her team.  Val is an unknown in the music industry, but he's got talent and Larinda wants him around.  As Larinda's tour progresses, it becomes clear that there is chemistry between the starlet and the producer, however her team has clearly stated that she can't date her producer.  Larinda has been "dating" her co-headliner Jarvis for years but she's had enough of his nonsense, but their record labels have other plans in mind.  

Val quickly finds himself stuck between his own desires and protecting Larinda from some plot he can't figure out.  Aided by none other than Chad from Sandeke Telecom,  who becomes his new bestie and spy mentor, Val learns that her career is in danger and he will do anything for her.  She is his ray of sunshine in a crappy existence, and she has been put in a terrible situation.  Larinda is a people pleaser and has a hard time telling people no, she often gets taken advantage of.  She gets some great advice from Val's sister about being the confident woman she is both on an off the stage which I really loved.  I think we all walk a fine line between our professional self and our personal self, Larinda needed a little reminder that her two selves needed to be a little more alike.  

Overall, I loved this!  This has a great romance between two great characters, some great comedic moments, and some good emotional moments that will pull on your heartstrings.  

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