Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Review: Flower and Thorn by Rati Mehrotra

Flower and Thorn Flower and Thorn by Rati Mehrotra
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

First of all the cover of this book is stunning! It immediately drew me in, and after loving Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove I was excited to read this. Unfortunately I did not love this.

The plot is very unique with the concept of the magical flowers each providing some sort of magic to the user. They grow in unlikely places and skilled flower hunters must risk their lives to find the precious flowers to sell them to help their people survive. Our main character Irinya is very skilled at flower hunting as is her best friend Fardan. Fardan finds one of the most precious flowers, that might be the key to saving the kingdom from invaders if it gets to the right hands. If the flower falls to the wrong hands the consequences could be devastating not only to Irinya and her tribe but everyone in the country.

This book just wasn't for me. I found the pacing too slow and the main character to be too irrational when it came to making decisions. I am all for a strong, independent female main character, but Irinya tented to act first and think later. She made alot of decisions that didn't go well for her and doesn't learn from her mistakes throughout the book. Everyone forgives her poor choices easily and lets her continue on her journey. Understandably she was the one who had to be the hero, but from the beginning she didn't rely on anyone to help her. I tend to enjoy plotlines where the main character has a good support system to rely on and support them. There are a few twists within the plot, but like the flower hunters wandering around until they find a treasure, I felt as the plot did the same. It kind of meanders until there is a twist or an action scene.

Overall, I'm really sad that this didn't work for me. The worldbuilding was great and the magic system was very unique, but the lack of character development and slow pacing left me disappointed. I do think that YA readers are really going to love this. It does have a very sweet friends to romance element, and while it didn't work for me I think there is an audience that is very much going to love it.

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