Monday, October 12, 2020

Review: I Promise You by Ilsa Madden-Mills

I Promise You I Promise You by Ilsa Madden-Mills
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC via the author in exchange for an honest review.  This book is out today October 12, 2020.

Check out the release blitz post for and excerpt and all of the purchase links

I you like sports romances, especially those involving football you need to read this one. I really loved Dillon and Serena. They are real people with real problems, and while their romance is swoon-worthy, they also get nervous around each other and say things that might scare off a potential suitor. I really enjoyed watching them banter and as they got to know each other.

Dillon first met Serena at a bonfire when he was a freshman at Waylon University. Legend has it that the first girl you kiss as a freshman at that bonfire will be unforgettable. Well, that has held true for Dillon. He's looked for Serena for the past 4 years after kissing her and being shot down. He's a senior now, has his sights set on the NFL, and he's finally positioned to be the starting quarterback and lead his team to victory. No pressure! When he randomly runs into Serena at the local grocery store, with an entourage in tow viewing for his attention, their interaction does not go as he would have liked. Serena assumes he's a womanizing, player and does her best to give him nothing but a hard time.

Serena is a writer, so when her internship at the local paper gives her an assignment to write a piece on the football team, focusing on none other than Dillon she is forced to get to know him. Turns out he isn't all bad, and Serena is forced to rethink some of her assumptions. Dillon has been waiting years for his chance to get to know her, but Serena has had her heart broken and has pretty thick walls up. She realizes he isn't a bad guy, but she isn't sure she's willing to take a chance on love again. Dillon has a lot of stress his senior year, but he's not willing to give up on the things that matter most.

As I mentioned I loved getting to know Dillon and Serena. I felt like they had great character development and we really got to know them. I also loved the side characters. I'm a sucker for a good grandma character, and Serena's grandma Nancy is awesome! I really liked that Serena, despite having been through some serious stuff in her life had a good family to support her. The same goes for Dillon, he may not have had a good family situation, but he found and made a family. I thought the pacing was good, and the author did a great job with conflict resolution. Ilsa knows how to pull on those heart-strings! That scene with Dillon and his data toward the end...really got me!

I really enjoyed this and hope we maybe get to see more of the Waylon crew in the future.

View all my reviews

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