Thursday, October 1, 2020

Review: The Case of the Twisted Truths by Lucy Banks

The Case of the Twisted Truths The Case of the Twisted Truths by Lucy Banks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC via Edelweiss in exchanged for an honest review.  This book comes out on October 6, 2020.

This is book four of the Dr. Ribero's Agency of the Supernatural Series.  I thought that this was the final book of the series, but was pleasantly surprised to find that there will be more books.  I really enjoy this series.  The cast of characters is hilarious, and they are terrible at investigating the supernatural and sending them back to whence they came.  This book does end on a cliffhanger, however I'm glad to know that we will finally uncover some of the missing pieces of the backstory.

Like the other books, this follows Kester, a lovable character who kind of stumbles along his newfound life in the realm of the paranormal after his mother's death.  His mother was involved in the paranormal world, but kept it all from Kester and now that he has reunited with his father he has been thrust into the paranormal world and is trying to find his place in it.  Unlike the previous books in the series, where his father's "ghost hunting" agency is actively working on a case, this book is mainly focused on Kester and following up on events of the previous book [book:The Case of the Hidden Daemon|44556436].  Kester is still facing his fear of the spirit world, which terrifies him, trying to learn his father's business, and going to the university to learn about all things paranormal.  While juggling all of his responsibilities he finds himself in the middle of a moral dilemma and he can't tell anyone what he is doing.  Hrschni, the daemon who kidnapped him, has an agenda that Kester doesn't support, but he also has information that Kester is desperate to learn.  

I really liked that Kester is finally accepting his fate as a spirit door opener and starting to believe in himself.  He is still scared of his own shadow, but he is starting to find his stride.  I loved seeing him finally stick up to his father when it came to running the business.  Kester's development is slow, but he makes steps in the direction in each book.  It is mentioned in this book that he is only 23 years old, so he is still figuring out who he is as a person and he's had a lot thrown at him in a short amount of time.  While I didn't appreciate the cliffhanger (who does), I do like that we are finally going to find out more about Kester's mysterious mother and perhaps why she kept so many secrets in the next installment.

I love this series and highly recommend it if you are looking for a paranormal, mystery type of series.  This series sort of fits into the cozy genre as there is some comedy and it is fun and easy to read.  I've really come to love the characters and really like the humor.

View all my reviews

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