Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Top 5 Wednesday: Hyped 2019 Releases You Don't Care About

Topic: Hyped 2019 Releases You Don't Care About - If you dare, now is your time to get shady.

I've got nothing against any of these books, but for one reason or another I just have no interest in reading them.  These are probably great books, but they just don't call out "Read Me" when I look at them.  Never say never though, I never know when my new favorite is hiding in a book I never thought I'd read.

  • The Wicked King by Holly Black - I haven't read The Cruel Prince, and I really have no interest in this series.  I've got nothing against it.  It just never called out to me.  I have read The Darkest Part of the Forest which I liked, but this series just never made it onto my must read list.  
  • There's Something about Sweetie by Sandhya Menon - I'm not a huge romance reader, and this is YA Contemporary Romance.  Again nothing against it, just not my preferred genre.
  • Again, But Better by Christine Riccio - This is another YA Contemporary Romance I keep seeing everywhere.  Just not one I see myself reading.  I prefer the more fantastical or sci-fi.
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  • Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I loved The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.  It was a surprise love for me and I hope to read more of Jenkins' work.  This one might be the same, but I have no interest in the subject matter of this particular story.  
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  • The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston - This actually looks cute, it's a Prince and the Pauper retelling that happens at ComicCon kind of thing.  Again a YA Contemporary Romance, that just isn't in my wheelhouse.  I have read Poston's Heart of Iron which is an Anastasia retelling in space and that fits my tastes much better.  I'm looking forward to the 2nd book which is coming out later this year.
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  1. I almost put Again, but Better on my list as I am also not a big contemporary fan. However, I thought the story sounds interesting so I may end up reading someday.

    1. If you read it let me know what you think. Sometimes those end up being surprise favorites.
