Saturday, June 1, 2024

Review: Service by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Service Model Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

The author narrates the book, and he is wonderful. He does a ton of different character voices for all of the different robot characters. He really knocked this one out of the park with all of the different accents.

I loved Charles/UnCharles! I think fans of the Murderbot Diaries will really enjoy this, it has that same balance of humor and social commentary with a charming robot main character. It isn't exactly the same but it has some of the same concepts about finding one's purpose and self-awareness. UnCharles is no SecUnit, but I still think fans of one will enjoy the other.

This follows our quirky main character Charles, a valet robot who lives to serve his human master. When he finds his human master murdered his programming will not let him stop until he finds a new master to valet for. He embarks on a journey to determine if he is defective and meets with all manner of robot along the way. Now that he has no purpose he is known as UnCharles, until he is reassigned to a new position. His main companion is "The Wonk", a misunderstood character who is always encouraging UnCharles to be happy and go against his programming which is a major theme of the book. As UnCharles travels about the dystopian landscape looking for a suitable master, he discovers many different types of robots waiting for human intervention. This is filled with pop culture references from other popular movies and books that fans of the genre are sure to appreciate.

Overall, I loved this and UnCharles is a character I can see myself revisiting soon.

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