Thursday, June 6, 2024

Review: Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire

Tidal Creatures Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ALC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.  I really enjoyed the narrator and her ability to voice all of the many different characters we encountered in this book.

This is the 3rd book in the series, and I do no recommend reading it as a standalone.  While this introduces several new characters and this focuses on the murder mystery they are involved in, there are underlying themes and explanations that you are going to need to understand first.  We are reunited with Roger and Dodger in this installment and to really understand who they are and what their purpose is you are going to need to read Middlegame and Seasonal Fears in order.

As mentioned this introduces several new characters, which I found hard to keep track of at times. A few of our new characters are lunar gods, each of whom have 2 personalities inside one body.  It took me quite a while to keep track of all of the new lunar deities and how that all worked, but it was a really interesting concept.  McGuire always ties the novel to some type of lore, and in this one it was various mythology related to the moon.  When one of the dieties is found murdered the other lunar gods/godesses band together to solver her murder and find out what is going on.  This leads them down an alchemical rabbit hole of strange occurrences and interactions.  We are reunited with Roger and Dodger and The Impossible City as they try to solve the mystery and stop the alchemists from taking over the city.

I feel like this is a series I need to read from beginning to end again to really grasp the entire premise.  This particular book had alot going on and I found it confusing at times.  I felt the same way about Middlegame.  I think if there is another book in the series I would want to reread all the books again to really grasp all of the concepts before diving in again.  That being said this book was still enjoyable, and the worldbuilding was great.  

View all my reviews

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