Monday, May 13, 2024

Review: When Among Crows by Veronica Roth

When Among Crows When Among Crows by Veronica Roth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided and ALC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This is told from three different perspectives, by three different narrators.  That was a nice touch from the audio perspective as each of the characters is very different and plays a unique role in this fantasy novella.  I always appreciate a multicast narration when there are multiple perspectives.  I enjoyed each of the narrators and how they brought this little book alive.

This book isn't very long, the audiobook was about 4 and a half hours long, but it kept me engaged the entire time and told a full story.  We follow along with three characters Dymitr, Ala, and Niko as they try to find the Baba Jaga to break a curse.  This is filled with Slavic/Polish myths, lore, and magic, while being set a modern Chicago.  Each one of our characters has secrets and trauma they have to sort through before the curse can be broken.  They face monsters and creatures from the mythology that are well described so that the reader or listener can picture them.  Our trio must quickly come to terms with their individual pain, fear, guilt, and mistrust of one another before the curse can be broken.  They have to work together to unravel the puzzles placed before them before the Baba Jaga will grant them an audience and solve the riddles of the curse as well and find their own salvation

This is a fast paced, quick read.  I didn't want to put it down, I always wanted to know what came next.  I love anything steeped in myth and lore and this is no exception.  I'm not well versed in Slavic lore, but Roth does a great job using the lore as allegory for other topics.  

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