Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Review: Muffin But Trouble by Talia Hunter

Muffin But Trouble Muffin But Trouble by Talia Hunter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via the author and Smartypants Romance, all opinions are my own.

This as with all of the other books in the Smartypants universe reads as a complete standalone. It features other characters from the Pennyverse and other books in the Donner Bakery world, but you don't have to read them to follow along with Mags and Cy's story.

It pains me to say this, because I love what Smartypants puts out, but I didn't love this one. I had a hard time connecting with Mags. She was pretty insulting to the town and the people, yet Cy pretty instantly falls in love with her because she is pretty and all is forgiven. Mags does eventually get brownie points for helping rescue Cy's reputation with the townsfolk. This is pretty insta-love heavy, which is not my favorite trope. I don't feel that the two main characters ever really developed the love and trust they really needed to sell their relationship as believable. On the other hand, Cy was a wonderful character! The way he tried to earn the trust of his niece and make his house a home for her while she stayed with him was amazing! I think that is why I was so disappointed in Cy and Mags' relationship. The relationship between Gemma (the niece) and Cy was so well developed and flushed out. The author did a great job being respectful of the horrors Cy and his sister Ruth faced as children, and the depression they both suffered as adults because of it. Cy openly but respectfully discusses his struggles with mental health with Mags and Gemma, and only wants to protect those he cares about from being harmed physically and verbally by others.

Overall, this was just an OK romance for me. It was lacking some of relationship building elements that I personally like to see in an opposites attract romance.

View all my reviews

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