Friday, May 24, 2019

Review: Storm and Fury by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Storm and Fury Storm and Fury by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is one of my most anticipated new series. As many of you know this series is a spin off to The Dark Elements, which is one of my all time favorites. While Roth and Layla do appearances as supporting characters, this focuses on characters and takes place 6-7 months after that series ends. If you've read that series, several characters from that series are present, Bambi does make a cameo which made me very happy. If you haven't read the original series, I recommend it because it is my favorite, but I don't think it is 100% necessary. Jen does a great job setting up the story for this new series without you needing to have read the previous books. She tells you what you need to know to set up the plot and gives you the backstory on anything mentioned that happened in the past.

This story follows Trinity, a half human half something else who has been raised and trained with the Wardens for most of her life. Wardens gargoyles shape shifters who look human in one state and are badass demon fighting warriors in their other form. Trinity has some very special abilities that make her enticing to demons and anything else supernatural, so she has been hiding amongst the Wardens. When strange things start happening in Washington DC a contingent from that clan come to visit and she immediately develops a connection with Zayne. Zayne has a ton of emotional baggage, but he is drawn to Trinity and her stubborn, snarky, impulsive ways. When Trinity is attacked at her own compound and her best friend is kidnapped, Zayne learns her true identity. In an effort to find out what is killing Wardens and demons and find her friend, Zayne and Trinity decide to work together. What Trinity learns during her time in Washington changes everything she was raised with.

I really loved this! I loved that Jen wrote her eye disease retinitis pigmentosa into one of her characters. I've been a fan of Jen's for a very long time and she talks openly about it on her social media, so I knew Trinity was going to have this disease. I love that she didn't let her failing eyesight stop her from being fearless. The part where she talks to Zayne about seeing the stars is beautiful. I'm really happy to see Zayne in this vulnerable stage, where he's trying to deal with his baggage. I also was so happy to get back to Roth and Zayne snarking at each other. One of my favorite things about Jen's books is the snark she writes between her characters, and no one does snark better than Roth. I like where the characters ended development-wise. They still have more development to do, but I like where they started and ended in this book. Knowing that the development will happen over the course of the series, I know they will get where they need to go y the end of it. I have lots of questions about this Harbinger, but I'm sure they will be answered with time. This follows alot of common themes in paranormal romance and books with a chosen one. It is similar in tone and cadence to Jen's other books, which I like.

At the end of the day fans of JLA and the previous series are sure to love this. It is similar to the first series, but different enough to pull you in and keep you interested. Paranormal romance fans will enjoy this as it has all the right elements of action, emotion, and interesting creatures.

I can't wait for book 2!

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