Friday, May 24, 2019

Review: Bloodwitch by Susan Dennard

Bloodwitch Bloodwitch by Susan Dennard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such an amazing ride. There are so many characters and plot lines to keep track of but I'm so invested in every single one of them. I can't say enough good things about Cassandra Campell's narration of the audiobooks. I read about 70% of the ebook when my library loan ran out then the audiobook came in and I started from the beginning because I love her narration so much.

While this mainly focuses on Aeduan and Iseult on their journey through the Witchlands,but there are many other perspectives that tell the story. Safi and Iseult are still trying to find each other, Aeduan is trying to find himself, Vivia is trying to save her people, and Merik is trying to save himself and Cullen. While there are still many plot lines left open at the end of the book, I know there are 2 books left to tell the rest of the story. I feel like this book wrapped up nicely with the promise of more to come. There were also several plot lines from the previous books that were finally closed. There are political games at work, there is magic, there is romance, and at the heart of it there is the friendship of two girls who will do anything for each other. Each character is on a journey of their own, and I feel so invested in seeing them all through to the end.

There was a ton of character development in this book. I saw an interview with Susan Dennard not that long ago and she talked about how she was really working on the characters especially Merik. I think she did a great job with Merik and Aeduan’s development in this book. I also really enjoyed Vivia’s development as she realizes the deceit and manipulation within her ranks. I really love how all of the characters have come along since Truthwitch.

As an aside, while it is not completely necessary I highly recommend reading Sightwitch before reading this. If not read it anyway as it will give some insight into Ryber and what is going on inside the mountain everyone keeps mentioning in this book. It doesn’t answer all of the questions, but it does give some insight.

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