Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Review: Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really love this series. I'm picky about my middle grade reads, but this gets my seal of approval and my 11 year old devoured this in about a day and a half.  I think he gets mad that school gets in the way of his reading time.  I feel that way about work sometimes, but responsibility always wins out.

I'm using this for my OWL Reading Challenge Potions, Next Ingredient: Sequel prompt.  If you don't know what I'm talking about you can check out my TBR post here

This picks up where Nevermoor left off, Morrigan has discovered that she is a Wundersmith and allowed to stay in Nevermoor. She is officially part of the Wundrous Society, but she isn't really sure what either of those things means. Her patron, Jupiter, isn't exactly open with the information on what Morrigan's future holds or what she will find inside the gates of the Society. All she knows is that she may learn what it means to be a Wundersmith and that she may finally have the family she has always wanted within her unit at the Society.

Her unit, 919 as they are dubbed, are challenged at every turn when they find out what Morrigan really is. They are tasked with keeping her secret and trusting that she won't turn evil on them. This tests the bonds of trust and friendship. In the meantime, Morrigan must learn the history of Wundersmiths in her one and only class at the Society. The history as she quickly comes to learn is very biased. As strange and bad things keep happening around Morrigan, which she is kind of used to, Morrigan is determined to find out who is causing all of the bad things to happen to her group and the people of the Society. She knows she didn't cause them but they all started when she showed up at the Society. She wants to help Jupiter uncover the truth and find the culprit. Ezra Squall also plays a part in this darker sequel, but he has motives of his own. He wants Morrigan to become a powerful Wundersmith, but he hints at something other than himself as danger to Morrigan and her friends.

This sequel was a little darker than the first book but it was still whimsical and fun. I really love the creativity that went into creating the world and the characters. I do wish the whole use of Wunder was a little more flushed out but I think this book was just setting that up. I think or at least I hope we will get more into that in the next one as Morrigan begins to study the Wretched Arts in school. This doesn't really end on a cliffhanger, but it hints at more to come but doesn't say what so it wraps up pretty neatly with the promise of more to come and another adventure for another day. I'm really excited to see what Morrigan and the kids of 919 get up to in the next installment.

View all my reviews

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