Saturday, August 10, 2024

Review: A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher

A Sorceress Comes to Call A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided both a print and audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

If you like dark fairytale retellings this one is worth picking up.  I don't think I've ever read Goose Girl, but I'll be checking out the original tale this is based on.  I always like to read the original work when reading a retelling if I haven't read.  Kingfisher's retellings are quickly becoming my favorites and this is another one to add to your TBR.  She always puts her own unique spin on the original work and makes it her own. 

This is told from the perspectives of Cordielia a 14 year old girl who has basically lived her young life as a recluse, and Hester a 51 year old spinster set in her ways.  Their paths collide when Cordelia's mother decides she must marry a rich man to support them.  Hester immediately picks up that Cordelia's interactions with her mother are not normal, and that her brother is immediately smitten with the woman.  Hester is determined unravel the puzzle that is the the woman she nicknames "Doom" and her daughter.  Cornelia and Hester quickly become friends and team up to defeat Doom.  This is highly atmospheric and has worldbuilding I've come to expect from Kingfisher.  It has great fantasy and horror elements that aren't over the top.

Hester and Cordelia's parts in the audiobook are narrated by different people which I thought was a nice touch as they often switch POVs within a chapter.  I makes it easy for the listener to know who the main point of view is even when Cordelia and Hester are talking to one another.  Both narrators were fantastic and did a wonderful job brining this dark tale to life.

If you are a fan of Kingfisher or dark fairytales I highly recommend this.  I can't speak to the aspect of the retelling as I haven't read Goose Girl.  I found this highly engaging and entertaining

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