Sunday, August 25, 2024

Review: Forbidden Romeo by Katana Collins

Forbidden Romeo Forbidden Romeo by Katana Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via the author and Literally Yours PR, all opinions are my own.

This is the conclusion of the Shattered Hearts Trilogy, and I'm really happy with how things wrapped up. This doesn't read as a standalone, you really need to read the series in order 1. Broken Romeo 2. Rebel Romeo, and finally 3. Forbidden Romeo to really understand what happened between the main characters Kate and Holden. I feel you can get away without reading the companion novellas from Kate's perspective during their time in college (Shattered Juliet and Ruined Juliet) but they do add some details that you don't get in the Romeo books. I would recommend reading all of them in publication order so they make sense.

As with the previous books in the series this is told from Kate/Katherine's perspective current day and Holden's perspective 5 years ago via journal entries when they were in college together. This picks up where book 2 left off with Kate reeling from several major blows to her professional and personal lives as those around her continue to try to break her and her newly rekindled relationship with Holden. All of the secrets, lies, and betrayals are finally revealed between the present day scenes and Holden's journal entries. We finally learn what happened between Kate and Holden that was so terrible that they hadn't spoken for 5 years prior to their current production and why everyone is so hell bent on ruining Kate's future as an actress.

This was such a fitting conclusion to the series! We finally learn about the tragic ending to Kate and Holden's relationship in college and we get to see them rekindle things and face everyone that got in their way in the present. I really liked the character development we get from both Kate and Holden throughout the series, but we really get to see how far the have both come in this final installment both personally and professionally. If you are looking for a good enemies to lovers with a Romeo and Juliet theme, give this series a go. I really enjoyed it.

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