Sunday, July 21, 2024

Review: Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura

Let the Games Begin Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This was adorable, and a well timed read with the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics scheduled to kick off just a few days from now.  I have alot of fond memories crowding around the TV with my family when I was younger watching the opening and closing ceremonies and whatever event was on at the time cheering on Team USA.

This follows Olivia, an ambitious university graduate who has her future all mapped out.  She has always wanted to work with the Olympic committee, so when she lands an internship for Summer 2024 in Athens, she is ecstatic.   When a mix-up occurs with her internship, she finds herself as a regular volunteer instead.  Determined to not let this derail her plans, she is determined to be the best volunteer ever and make the most of her summer.  She puts alot of pressure on herself to achieve the goals she has set for herself, but the games give her a new perspective on her goals and what she wants for her future.  Zeke on the other hand is back competing in his 3rd Olympics on Great Britain's track and field team.  He puts alot of pressure on himself to win the gold, but he is also under pressure from others to perform.  He and Olivia literally crash into each other and they do not initially like one another, but since she is a volunteer they continue to run into each other and they quickly become friends that quickly develops into something more.  

I really liked how the aspect of mental health was handled.  Athletes have alot of pressure put on them when they compete at such a high level, but when you throw in something like grief or a traumatic event like Zeke experienced it is important that they are not only at their best physically but mentally.   I also liked the concept of Summer Olivia.  Olivia is always so serious and plans out everything, but while she is in Athens, she lets loose a bit and has fun.  She does things she enjoys for the sake of enjoying them, not because they will put her on the right track and look good on her resume/CV.  I also loved that both Zeke and Olivia had best friends to call them out when they needed it and to support them.  

This is perfect for YA and Adult readers.  While it does tackle some serious topics, there is nothing graphic.  It is super low spice, and everything that is eluded to is closed door that happens between our main characters.  This has a nice balance of humor, emotion and vulnerability.  The character development was good and the author did a good job describing the scenes and settings.  I was entertained the whole time I was listening.

This was a wonderful debut and I can't wait to read more from the author in the future!

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