Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: Heir, Apparently by Kara McDowell

Heir, Apparently Heir, Apparently by Kara McDowell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided both the ebook and audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.
This was really cute, especially because we get closure on Wren and Theo's romance.  Admittedly I preferred the first book to the second.  it was missing the parts that I loved from the first book about Wren and Theo connecting on their journeys of self discovery and having vulnerable moments.   

I found Wren and Theo to be frustrating in this installment.  She was either way to stubborn for her own good or she was making poor decisions that made it hard to root for her.  Theo on the other hand was trying to do what he thought was best and a lack of communication ensues.  I'm not a fan of the miscommunication or lack of communication trope in general, and it is a big part of the plotline. When you put that into perspective of all of the other zany things that the cast has to face throughout the book their character actions really aren't that bad, but I was expecting more of what we had in book 1 from them.  This follows not only Wren and Theo, but a whole cast of characters when their plane crashes on a remote island and chaos ensues.  Their romance seems to incite apocalyptic events, and this is no different.  They face hunger, injury, medical crisis, and more as they try to find a way off the island.  There are also alot of personality differences and feelings that have to be dealt with as well.

Overall this is a quick and cute conclusion to the duology.  I'm not sure if there will be more books in the series, but this is a satisfying ending to Wren and Theo's story.  If you can put aside some of the unrealistic things that happen, this is a fun read.  This would be a perfect beach read or something to read by the pool this summer.  This is perfect for YA readers, though there is some vulgar language sprinkled throughout if that is a concern.

The narrator did a wonderful job with all of the characters.  I thought she did a good job with the accents and giving each character a unique voice.  It made the audiobook really enjoyable to listen to.

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