Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Review: Nobody Cares About Your Career: Why Failure Is Good, the Great Ones Play Hurt, and Other Hard Truths by Erika Ayers Badan

Nobody Cares About Your Career: Why Failure Is Good, the Great Ones Play Hurt, and Other Hard Truths Nobody Cares About Your Career: Why Failure Is Good, the Great Ones Play Hurt, and Other Hard Truths by Erika Ayers Badan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an audio arc of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

The author narrates the audiobook. Her narration was very professional. What I mean by that is that as passionate as she is about this subject, that didn't come through in her narration. It was fine, but it was missing the emotion and passion I was expecting. I've read other career development and self-help books narrated by the authors, but they are also coaches and present the material regularly and that shows up in the narration because they present professionally as well. As a debut this is a good first take, but I would have appreciated more emotion in the narration.

I enjoyed this no nonsense, direct, common sense approach to taking charge of your own career. The author states in the beginning of the book that much of what she is about to tell you is common sense, but sometimes you need to hear it anyway. As someone who has been with my current company for over 10 years, much of her advice rings true. I've switched roles within the same company every few years because of burnout or it was time to learn something new. I do think some of her advice is going to be take it or leave it based on the industry you are in or the culture of your company or even the type of person you are.

The author wrote this exactly as if she were speaking to you. She doesn't hold back any punches and she swears alot. I actually found it to be refreshing and genuine. I don't mind the language, but I know others clutch pearls when people curse and get offended. They are just words and they don't bother me, so take that with a grain of salt. If you didn't mind the language in The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life you will enjoy this.

I feel like this is perfect for someone newer in establishing their career, however the advice rings true for someone well established in their career as well. There are some great pearls of wisdom in here. The title is accurate, no one is more invested in your career progression than you are. The author gives examples of situations she's been in both good and bad that have led her to the success in her career. She also gives some checklists and pointers throughout. While I found alot of her advice to be common sense, I found I needed to hear some of it anyway and plan to put some of it to use in the near future.

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Review: Dashed by Amanda Quain

Dashed Dashed by Amanda Quain
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via the publisher and Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This was a cute YA romance.  It is super clean if you are looking for something a little more on the innocent side.  This has some hand holding and kissing but nothing more than that, so it is perfect for  younger readers despite the main character being 18.  This follows Margaret or Mags as people close to her call her on her summer vacation.  Her brother-in-law has landed a summer job as ship's chaplain on the Queen Mab and Margaret has decided to tag along for the summer with her older sister Elinor before she heads off to college in the fall.  Margaret has been emulating Elinor for the past few years, despite her personality traits more aligning to those of their middle sister Marianne.  Margaret isn't really sure who she really is because she is always trying to be care free, impulsive Marianne or practical, level headed Elinor.  Their family was rocked by a year of tragedy several years ago and to cope with her trauma Margaret has decided she is going to do everything Elinor does.  

Margaret has her entire cruise planned out, when Marianne crashes the cruise.  Margaret does what she thinks is best and develops an elaborate plan to create dates for her sister to make her happy.  While she is crafting this grand plan, she develops a friendship turned fake relationship with Gabe a member of the crew.  They hit it off immediately and he and Mags spend lots of time hanging out and planning dates for themselves and Marianne.  Margaret is determined to keep her feelings locked up tight, but Gabe is slowly breaking down her walls.  When a hurricane derails the entire cruise Margaret has to face her feelings not only for the boy she has gotten to know over the last few weeks but all of the feelings she has kept bottled up about her sisters and her place in their family.  

I really liked the character development in this.  Margaret was slow to figure out what she needed to, but she eventually gets there.  This read a little young for my tastes, but this will be perfect for younger readers.  I loved Edward (the brother in law) he gave great advice and was an unlikely sounding board for our girl when she really needed it.  

Overall this was a super sweet YA romance.  It is a perfect summer read!

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Monday, July 22, 2024

RELEASE BLITZ: The Arrangement by Adriana Locke


The Arrangement by Adriana Locke is now live! 

The gorgeous CEO of Brewer Air is my boss and, thanks to a bet, my new husband for six months.

Why? Because I begged.

I have a grandmother to support, a stack of bills higher than my five-foot frame, and as a cherry on top, I need to find a new place to live. Soon.

Sure, Jason Brewer’s bright green eyes and chiseled jawline steal my breath. His smirk makes me weak. The former military hero’s protective nature is as sexy as watching him control a boardroom or fly a plane.  

But none of that matters. I’m desperate—not foolish. I know forever-level commitments aren’t real. This is simply a business transaction with a billionaire.

It’s too bad we didn’t consider all contingencies.

Our first kiss was to seal the deal. The second was in front of an Elvis impersonator. The third kiss led to a honeymoon that was so hot it burned into my memory.

I tell myself it’s okay because there’s an arrangement in place. It’s a—very—enjoyable means to a much-needed end. There’s nothing to worry about.

Except there is …

Jason is determined to prove that we could be more. When he proposes a new arrangement, it changes everything in ways I never saw coming. 

From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author Adriana Locke comes a new age-gap workplace romance featuring a former military hero who falls first and hard for his heroine. You will swoon over this spicy standalone romance. 

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


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Meet Adriana

USA Today and Amazon Charts Bestselling author, Adriana Locke, writes contemporary romances about the two things she knows best—big families and small towns. Her stories are about ordinary people finding extraordinary love with the perfect combination of heart, heat, and humor.

She loves connecting with readers, fall weather, football, reading alpha heroes, everything pumpkin, and pretending to garden.

Hailing from a tiny town in the Midwest, Adriana spends her free time with her high school sweetheart (who she married over twenty years ago) and their four sons (who truly are her best work). Her kitchen may be a perpetual disaster, and if all else fails, there is always pizza.


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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Review: Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura

Let the Games Begin Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was provided an audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This was adorable, and a well timed read with the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics scheduled to kick off just a few days from now.  I have alot of fond memories crowding around the TV with my family when I was younger watching the opening and closing ceremonies and whatever event was on at the time cheering on Team USA.

This follows Olivia, an ambitious university graduate who has her future all mapped out.  She has always wanted to work with the Olympic committee, so when she lands an internship for Summer 2024 in Athens, she is ecstatic.   When a mix-up occurs with her internship, she finds herself as a regular volunteer instead.  Determined to not let this derail her plans, she is determined to be the best volunteer ever and make the most of her summer.  She puts alot of pressure on herself to achieve the goals she has set for herself, but the games give her a new perspective on her goals and what she wants for her future.  Zeke on the other hand is back competing in his 3rd Olympics on Great Britain's track and field team.  He puts alot of pressure on himself to win the gold, but he is also under pressure from others to perform.  He and Olivia literally crash into each other and they do not initially like one another, but since she is a volunteer they continue to run into each other and they quickly become friends that quickly develops into something more.  

I really liked how the aspect of mental health was handled.  Athletes have alot of pressure put on them when they compete at such a high level, but when you throw in something like grief or a traumatic event like Zeke experienced it is important that they are not only at their best physically but mentally.   I also liked the concept of Summer Olivia.  Olivia is always so serious and plans out everything, but while she is in Athens, she lets loose a bit and has fun.  She does things she enjoys for the sake of enjoying them, not because they will put her on the right track and look good on her resume/CV.  I also loved that both Zeke and Olivia had best friends to call them out when they needed it and to support them.  

This is perfect for YA and Adult readers.  While it does tackle some serious topics, there is nothing graphic.  It is super low spice, and everything that is eluded to is closed door that happens between our main characters.  This has a nice balance of humor, emotion and vulnerability.  The character development was good and the author did a good job describing the scenes and settings.  I was entertained the whole time I was listening.

This was a wonderful debut and I can't wait to read more from the author in the future!

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: Heir, Apparently by Kara McDowell

Heir, Apparently Heir, Apparently by Kara McDowell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided both the ebook and audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.
This was really cute, especially because we get closure on Wren and Theo's romance.  Admittedly I preferred the first book to the second.  it was missing the parts that I loved from the first book about Wren and Theo connecting on their journeys of self discovery and having vulnerable moments.   

I found Wren and Theo to be frustrating in this installment.  She was either way to stubborn for her own good or she was making poor decisions that made it hard to root for her.  Theo on the other hand was trying to do what he thought was best and a lack of communication ensues.  I'm not a fan of the miscommunication or lack of communication trope in general, and it is a big part of the plotline. When you put that into perspective of all of the other zany things that the cast has to face throughout the book their character actions really aren't that bad, but I was expecting more of what we had in book 1 from them.  This follows not only Wren and Theo, but a whole cast of characters when their plane crashes on a remote island and chaos ensues.  Their romance seems to incite apocalyptic events, and this is no different.  They face hunger, injury, medical crisis, and more as they try to find a way off the island.  There are also alot of personality differences and feelings that have to be dealt with as well.

Overall this is a quick and cute conclusion to the duology.  I'm not sure if there will be more books in the series, but this is a satisfying ending to Wren and Theo's story.  If you can put aside some of the unrealistic things that happen, this is a fun read.  This would be a perfect beach read or something to read by the pool this summer.  This is perfect for YA readers, though there is some vulgar language sprinkled throughout if that is a concern.

The narrator did a wonderful job with all of the characters.  I thought she did a good job with the accents and giving each character a unique voice.  It made the audiobook really enjoyable to listen to.

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Review: 49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards

49 Miles Alone 49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This was a great YA thriller about two cousins on a 49 mile hike through the Utah desert.   This is a trigger warning but it is also something that happens in chapter 1 and not mentioned in the synopsis.   It is a theme in the book that I think is important too mention.  The cousins are trying to heal their relationship after Katie was sexually assaulted a year ago at a party that she and Aster went to together.  Aster left the party and feels guilty about what happened.  Katie knows it wasn't her fault, however she is still angry and has PTSD about the incident.  Aster would like her could from before the incident back and can't understand why Katie isn't the same person she used to be.  The book alternates between their point of views, and Aster's is probably realistic, but it is still lacks compassion for what Katie went through and what her triggers are.  Katie is using this trip to try to get back to that person pre-incident, but she is terrified of so many things and has alot of triggers.  Katie also has a hard time talking about that night and explaining why she freezes sometimes and she lives in a constant state of terror and pain.  If you have ever talked to a victim of SA, please be gentle and patient, they went through something horrific that you can't imagine.  It is not something they just get over after a year.

As the girls set off on their 49 mile hike with their packs and a plan, things quickly take a turn for the worse.  The map is off by miles, Aster develops a cold, she gets injured, they run into a bad storm ruining some of their gear and supplies, and finally they run into a couple acting strangely.  Katie is terrified of Finn and is sure that he has done something terrible to his girlfriend Riley.  They are low on supplies, but they don't want to leave Riley in the desert if they can help her.   The girls put together what they know and things don't add up, but when Aster is catastrophically injured, Katie must go find help and steer clear of anyone who might be out to hurt them.

There were a few unrealistic moments, and I felt like for experienced hikers Katie and Aster weren't prepared for this hike supply wise.  They didn't have some of the basic tools I would expect them to have.  I get what the author was trying to do, and perhaps this will resonate better with a younger reader.  Overall this was a quick fun read, perfect for the more mature YA reader.

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Review: House of Marionne by J. Elle

House of Marionne House of Marionne by J. Elle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley, however this book was published in August of 2023 so I opted to borrow the audiobook from my library.  I was immediately pulled in by the stunning cover, which you will understand the significance of as you read the book.  The second book is due out in September, so you won't have to wait much longer if you pick up book one now.  This read a little young for my tastes, however it is a solid YA offering.  There isn't anything graphic, and the romance is kept to a few kisses.  Teenage me would have devoured this.  I think having two teenagers of my own has jaded me and I want to mother all the silly teenage characters now and find myself rolling my eyes when teen do teenage stuff.   Overall this was a fun read and I am curious to find out what happens in the next book,

The magic system is well explained and unique.  I am anxious to learn more about the magic and how our main character Quell learns more about the world and her magic as the series moves forward.  There are still quite a few unanswered questions at the end, and Quell isn't sure who she can trust.   This follows Quell as she and her mom run from place to place to keep her dark magic a secret.  Her grandmother is headmistress of a magical school, but her mother ran away years ago and we don't know why.  Quell has grown up with no understanding of the magical world, but when her life is in danger and her mother can no longer protect her, Quell seeks refuge from her Grandmom.  She enrolls in the school in an attempt to keep her dark magic under control and hopefully gain control of her "proper" magic.  There she finally gains the semblance of a regular life and starts making friends.  She is also trailed by her mentor and romantic interest Jordan, who might also kill her if he finds out she has dark magic.  As she progresses through her lessons she finds out that the magical community is rife with secrets and betrayals.  Quell has to decide if she wants to forge her own path or take the one that has been decided for her.

If you like a dark academia setting with magic and romance but on the cleaner side this is a good option.  It is geared toward younger readers at it is set in a more high school type setting with teenaged characters, but I think anyone would enjoy it if you like those tropes.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Review: The Best of All by Karla Sorensen

The Best of All The Best of All by Karla Sorensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was provided an ARC of this book via the author and Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

While this is the 2nd book in The Best Men Series, it does read as a complete standalone. The first book is connected but follows a completely different couple. It is also amazing and I highly recommend checking out Burke and Charlotte's story in The Best Laid Plans. I feel like you could read the books in either order as they take place simultaneneously in the wake of the loss of couple Chris and Amie to a horrific car crash and their wishes change the lives of their closest friends. In this installment Liam is our hero, and as Chris' best friend he has been granted co-guardianship of their daughter with Amie's best friend Zoe.

Liam has never wanted a family, so not only is he grieving the loss of his best friend and two of the best people he has ever known, but now he has to come to terms with why they would put him in charge of their almost three year old. He is grumpy, broody, and he has some deep rooted issues that he isn't ready to face quite yet. Zoe on the other hand throws herself into taking care of Mira, she knew about the guardianship plans, so it came as no surprise to her, but she is also deep in her grief while taking on sole caregiver responsibilities of the little girl. Any parent knows that taking care of a toddler is tough with two parents, but when Liam refuses to help at first she is overwhelmed and forgets to take care of herself. As a mom, I related to that so much, it is easy to get lost in taking care of your family and forget about your own needs and self-care, even when you don't have extenuating circumstances like Zoe and Liam. After some thought, Liam decides to step up and help out. Mira instantly takes a shining to Uncle Liam, and despite his misgivings about not having a clue what to do with her he does just fine.

Zoe and Liam have been at odds for the decade they have known each other, turns out it was all a miscommunication and a wrong place wrong time situation. Now that they are forced to spend a lot of quality time together and play nice for Mira's sake, they find that they actually enjoy each other's company. Once they open the flood gates on the romantic feelings sparks fly and the chemistry between them is wonderful.

This book brought me to tears several times, so you are going to want to have tissues handy. Between the grief the characters feel over the loss of their friends, taking care of Mira, the issues they discuss about their past relationships both with their families and other partners, it is quite the emotional rollercoaster. The romance is a bit of a slow burn and it is more on the sweet side than the spice one. It takes Liam a long time to open up, but it is worth the wait when he finally does. His character development was excellent!

Overall, I loved this and I highly recommend it.

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Review: This Much Is True (audiobook) by Adriana Locke

This Much Is True This Much Is True by Adriana Locke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was provided provided an audio arc of the book and the narration by Shiloh James and Lance Greenfield was wonderful! They do a great job bringing Luke and Laina to life. I really enjoyed their narration and could listen to them both all day. You could feel their emotions come through. You may want to grab some headphones as this is NSFW.

This was such a heartwarming book. It was sugar, and spice, and everything nice. Laina is a pop star and on the day of her gigantic, carefully curated wedding she goes into hiding. She goes to the one place she has always felt safe because right now she knows that getting married is the wrong choice and she is exhausted from playing pop-star Laina and never getting to turn off the act and be herself. Her life has become nothing but a business proposition to those around her, and she just wants a bit of the small town life she had before she was famous, surrounded by people who love her and care about her. Enter Luke Marshall, Laina's former best friend and boyfriend. They were the prime example of right people wrong time. They parted way when her dreams took her away from the small town, and his dreams kept him there. He finds Laina sitting on his couch in her wedding dress hiding from everyone she knows, and promises to help keep her hidden and safe until she decides what to do next. The pair quickly rekindles their friendship as if a day hasn't passed and it is clear that their past feelings have never died. I appreciated that they have a history and a past relationship, so it doesn't feel like they instantly fall for each other. Luke treats Laina with respect and tries to give her the normalcy she craves. He puts her to work in his horse barn, tells her stories about his family and the people in town, and listens to her as she tries to figure out her life.

I thought the character development in this was great! There is some miscommunication but it is quickly resolved as level heads prevail. Laina decides what she wants and needs, and while she doesn't have all of the answers, she takes the first big steps to do what is best for her not what is best for her image and the pocketbooks of her team. I really liked that Luke went to his older brother for advice. The sibling chat was hilarious and endearing. I hope we see more Marshall group chats in the future. This was awesome and I loved it!

This does read as a standalone despite being labeled the second book in the series. If you enjoyed getting to know Luke's family, his brother Chase also has a book. I am hoping that all of his siblings get books! I love Adriana's family series, they are so fun and you quickly get invested in the characters! This also features characters from the Mason family series, and I highly recommend those as well.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Review: Masquerade by O.O. Sangoyomi

Masquerade Masquerade by O.O. Sangoyomi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was provided an audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This follows Òdòdó, a young blacksmith who strives for more than the life she and the other women of her guild have been granted.  As blacksmith's they are shunned and called witches, yet they are expected to work themselves to the bone for their kingdom.  Òdòdó quickly learns that the world is not a kind place, and enemies lurk around every corner.  She is kidnapped and taken to be the bride of the king and she quickly has to learn the games that those in power play.

This was very well written and the audiobook was very well done.  The narrator did an excellent job with the performance of all of the various characters that Òdòdó interacts with as she navigates court life and court politics.  I was expecting more of a fantasy element to the story, but this is definitely more of a historical fiction and retelling.  The magical elements I was expecting, and perhaps that was my own misunderstanding of the synopsis, were missing but I still enjoyed the book.  I feel this would be good for older YA readers as there are some more mature topics, but nothing overly graphic.  Òdòdó really comes into herself and grows quite a bit as she truly discovers her inner strength and the motivations of those around her.

Overall I think this is a solid debut, and I'm looking forward to seeing more from the author in the future.

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