Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tag Tuesday Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag 2019

I was procrastinating on the long list of stuff I need to get done, so naturally I was catching up on youtube videos and saw this on India's channel and it reminded me that I really loved this tag last year so I brought it back.  I've read alot of books since last year's post so let's see if I can come up with different answers.

Fall is my favorite time of year, but this fall has been really busy.  It is technically still fall until the end of this week, although there is snow on the ground and it has steadily been in the 30's here in Pennsylvania for the last week or so.

India - Life is a Page Turner https://youtu.be/CmaAXaxQ_Tk
Sam's Nonsense // creator → https://youtu.be/Q-4nDR8jXi0

1. Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color - choose a book that had reds/oranges/yellows on the cover  - The Furies by Katie Lowe

2. Cozy Sweater - It's finally cold enough to don warm cozy clothing: what book gives you the warm fuzzies? 
His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik has the most amazing relationship between Captain Laurence and his dragon Temeraire.  I truly love their bond and this alternate history.

3. Fall Storm: The wind is howling & the rain is pounding - choose your favorite book OR genre that you like to read on a stormy day
I'm not really a big re-reader.  I always intend to read books again, but I never do.  Lately I've been favoring romantic comedies, which is strange for me since I'm not big on romance.  Life can be stressful, so a little comedy is a good way to keep things light on a gloomy day. 

4. Cool Crisp Air: What's the coolest character you'd want to trade places with?
Indira Story from Saving Fable by Scott Reintgen.  She becomes the hero in her own book.  I mean what book lover doesn't want to become the hero in their own story.  Her friend Maxi was pretty cool too.
Saving Fable

5. Hot Apple Cider: What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing? Senior Year Bucket List by J.M. Miller

6. Coat, Scarves, and Mittens - The weather has turned cold & it's time to cover up - What's the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?  This is another great reason to own a kindle.  No one can see what you are reading.  I'm really not a fan of covers with shirtless men on them, which cover's most romance novels.  Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, however while it had a romance, was a weird sci-fi dystopian novel.  I didn't really like it, and this cover is not my favorite.  I'm glad this was the audiobook cover, not a book I was reading in physical copy.
Oryx and Crake

7. Pumpkin Spice: What's your favorite Fall time comforts food/foods?  I'm going with Applesauce.  Every fall we try to go apple picking or atleast get apples from a local farm and I make and can my own applesauce for the year.  I canned 44 pints of applesauce this year and we've already made quite a dent in them.  This year I used Stayman Winesap apples (my favorite), excellent for snacking, applesauce, apple crisp, and pies  I think this year was the best batch of applesauce yet.

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