Sunday, December 29, 2019

Review: The Prized Girl by Amy K. Green

The Prized Girl The Prized Girl by Amy K. Green
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was provided an advanced copy of this book via Edelweiss+ in exchange for an honest review.

I know 2 stars isn't a great rating, but this wasn't a bad book. It just isn't my preferred type of thriller, so take my rating with a grain of salt. It kept me guessing and it is pretty messed up. This book deals with some disturbing subject matter, but it isn't overly graphic and it is not gory. I just thought the plot jumped around too much because it had so many characters. I prefer fewer characters with more developed stories and plots.

The story is told in alternating timelines from the perspectives of two sisters. Virginia the older sister is left in the aftermath of younger sister Jenny's murder, and she takes it upon herself to find out what really happened that night and maybe heal some of her own past wounds. Jenny's story is told in the past and leads up to what happened on the night she was killed. Jenny is a 13 year old former beauty pageant star, but she decides that she wants some independence from her overbearing mother. Her parents are worried that she'll end up like her deadbeat sister VIrgina who can't hold down a job and dresses like a homeless person most of the time. I didn't find either sister particularly likeable, they were both impulsive and made a lot of poor choices that seemed unrealistic. Then again I didn't find any of the characters likeable and most of the characters made a lot of poor choices.

As the story unfolds, we not only learn about what happened to Jenny, but we learn about the secrets that are being kept by everyone involved in the case. Everyone seems to hold a piece of the much larger puzzle to solve Jenny's murder, and Virgina is determined to put it all together and bring her sister's killer to justice and put her life back together.

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