Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Top 5 Wednesday: Love Interests You Would Have Broken Up With

February 20th: Love Interests You Would Have Broken Up With

This was a tough one.  As I've stated probably more times that I needed to, I don't read a ton of romance.  I read plenty of books with romance in them, but normally the couples are OK.  I had to think really hard on these ones.  I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that came to mind as I was scrolling my Read list on GoodReads.
  • Gideon from the Precious Stone Trilogy
    • I'm still not entirely sure why Gwen thought he was so dreamy. He wasn't very nice to her throughout, and she wasn't entirely convinced she liked him half the time. Their romance was so dramatic that I didn't even care if they ended up together.  I had been Gwen I would have moved on to someone better who actually was nice to me all the time and didn't play games.
  • Jeno and Hector from Vampire Addiction
    • There was too much insta-love in this for my taste.  Both of them immediately liked Gertie because she was new to town and she liked them back because she was so desperate for attention and they talked to her.  Neither one of them is honest with her until they have to be.  Jeno uses her and Hector I just don't think we get to know him enough to really decide. I didn't like either of them though.  
  • Joe from Lies
    • Joe isn't a bad guy, in fact he's a super nice guy.  He just makes alot of boneheaded decisions making him look like he wasn't very smart and kind of weak and incapable.  I need a responsible, smart, capable partner who can take care of himself and my kids.  While Joe is a great dad and a good partner, he just comes off as having a lack of common sense. I just didn't find him appealing based on his actions in the book.  I don't think he deserved what his wife did to him at all, but he could have thought through some of the things he did better.
  • Martin from the Elements of Chemistry Series
    • Katy does break up with him in this series and they do end up getting back together.  I don't think I ever would have gone with him in the first place though.  He's overbearing and controlling and stubborn which is part of the reason they break up.  After the 2nd book you think they would never get back together but he really does come around.  He's a bit pushy and domineering for my taste.
  • Christian Grey from the Fifty Shades Series
    • Yeah I've read the first 3 books, and they were whatever but Christian just isn't my type of guy.  I don't have an inner goddess doing backflips over all the weird stuff he's into.  I would have run away when he mentioned a contract and a NDA.  Legal documents do not make a relationship.

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