Monday, January 1, 2018

My Year in Review: 2017

Overall, I think I had a great reading year for 2017. I started out with a goal to read 50 books, moved that to 75 when I realized I was going to reach 50 at some point through the year. I never thought I would reach 100 books. I started listening to audio books at the end of 2016, and that has really helped me get to alot more books.  I "read" 40 books via audio, normally I get to between 50 and 60 books a year.  I know everyone has their own view on reading via audio, but for me, it is a great way to get to books while I'm commuting several hours a week, doing laundry or other chores, or at the gym.  I can't get into every audio book and opt to read them in print, but I've grown to love them, and will continue to use them.  My local library has a great selection which helps.  I do most of my reading on Kindle, because it is easier for me.  I think I only read 5 physical books, but that will change in 2018 as I bought a bunch of physical books I want to get to.

I participated in the Popsugar Reading Challenge this year. It is the first challenge I've ever participated in and I'm so glad I found it. Both the Goodreads and Facebook groups are awesome for discussion and recommendations. I found myself not wanting to finish my last 2 books for the 2017 challenge but all of the positive encouragement from the groups helped me push through the last 2 books. I'm excited for 2018. I have some books penciled in, but don't want to be overly strict with my list, if it feels like work it isn't fun anymore.

I really started reviewing and posting to the blog this year. I hope to post alot more this year, I need to find a better rhythm, but let's face it my life is crazy.  I work full time, I'm a mom and my kids activities keep me pretty busy, and reading is what keeps me sane.  I've got a bunch of ARCs to review during the first part of the year and I'm very excited to get to them.  I've got a backlog of posts I need to get to, so hopefully I'll get to those now that the holidays are coming to a close.

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Here is a quick summary of my ratings.  I read some really excellent books this year, discovered some new favorites, and reread some old tried and true loves.  I really only read one that I didn't like.  The 2 stars were, just OK, not good and not bad.  I try to be critical with my reviews, though I will boost a rating based how much I enjoyed the reading experience.  

I hope you had an awesome 2017 in general and hope you read some great books.  Here's to a great 2018 and more great books!

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