Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Review: Nyxia by Scott Reintgen

Nyxia Nyxia by Scott Reintgen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really loved this. It was action packed for sure, and it has some serious plot twists. It had alot of themes of other YA dystopian novels I've read in the past, but it was also distinctly different. It gave me Hunger Games in space vibes, but without all the killing. I mean that as a sincere compliment to the author. I loved Hunger Games as well. I also don't think this was specifically dystopian, I don't think it was ever said that there had been an apocalypse or anything of that nature it was just in the future. Nyxia is a mysterious but valuable substance that has been found on another planet. Nyxia can be manipulated, but it is also sentient and kind of has a mind of its own. Those aboard the spacecraft Genesis 11 must learn to manipulate Nyxia as well as mine it from the planet Eden. While on the journey through space to Eden, the 10 teens onboard Genesis 11 are vying for 8 spots to actually go to Eden and meet the native Adamites. The story is told from the perspective of Emmett, a poor teen who's mother is in desperate need of a kidney transplant. In swoops the Babel Corporation with their mission to Eden with endless funds and miracle medicine. If Emmett competes and wins a spot to Eden he and his parents are set for life, and while he competes his mother gets all the medical care she needs. Sounds pretty good right? You quickly guess that Babel is not the righteous company and that they've got something up their sleeves. It turns out Babel has angered the natives on Eden, so they are using teenagers to mine Nyxia from the planet. Adamites revere children, so Babel is using them as they feel the Adamites won't hurt them. Eden is a wild place and the kids don't exactly know what they are getting themselves into as Babel doesn't always give them the whole story. Each of the kids on board Genesis 11 has something they are fighting for, and going to Eden would mean each of them and their families would be set for life. Losing isn't really an option for any of them. Determined to win one of the 8 spots, Emmett sees each of his shipmates as enemies, but along the way he builds some friendships he never saw coming. In the same vein, he makes some enemies that won't let up.

As the journey comes to a halt and the scoreboard is tight for the last spot, Babel throws everyone a plot twist. There is another ship full of 10 more contestants, and there are only 15 spots total heading to Eden. The crew of Genesis 12 is lead by Morning, and they prove to be quite the adversaries. Genesis 11 never learned to work as a team, while Morning has the crew of Genesis 12 working like a well oiled machine. Emmett desperately tries to gain every point he can to earn his spot to Eden. At every turn he has to fight to keep his score up and a knife out of his back.

I hesitate to say more to keep spoilers out of the review. I can't wait to see where the next book goes. I really loved this first one and think it was a great lead off to the series.

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