Monday, July 13, 2020

Reading Rush 2020 TBR

It is that time of year again for The Reading Rush.  You can check out The Reading Rush's website or channel for all of the details.  This year's challenge run's from July 20-26th.  There are always 7 challenge prompts, and you can do the challenge however you like.  All types of media count, so ebooks, audiobooks, comics, graphic novels, or whatever you consider reading fits.  You can read 7 things or you can double up on things so you fill all 7 prompts.  You can also deviate from your TBR and no

Check out their website for forums, merchandise, badges, and all the information you need for the challenge.  It is a fun challenge and a mid-year push to read some things already on my TBR.  While this is mainly a vlog based challenge I like to participate in the TBR and wrap up portions as well as the instagram challenges.  There is no pressure to participate, and the forums are a fun way to participate with other book lovers.

This year's group read is Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid.  I've already read it, and highly recommend the audiobook.  If you want to know what I thought you can see my review here.

Like last year I am planning read 7 things in 7 days.  I purchased Amazon's Forward Collection, which consists of 6 individual sci-fi books by authors I already really enjoy.  Several of them fit prompts this year and since they are all under 100 pages they are perfect for a read-a-thon.  I could probably read the whole collection if I wanted.  I've been rediscovering my love of sci-fi over the last few months and this is the perfect time to read these.

The challenges and what I plan to read:  
  1. Read a book with a cover that matches the colour of your birth stone.
    1. Randomize by Andy Weir
    2. My birthstone is amethyst, and the cover of this one looks purple on my kindle.
  2. Read a book that starts with the word “The”.
    1. The Red Threads of Fortune by JY Yang
    2. I read the first book last year and really loved it.  It has a diverse cast of characters and a really interesting fantasy storyline.  I'll likely be going with the audiobook of this one because it is only a few hours and I can listen to it while I'm at work and doing other stuff.
  3. Read a book that inspired by a movie you’ve already seen.
    1. Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang which inspired Arrival
    2. I've been meaning to read the short story after watching the movie.  I plan on reading the entire collection of short stories.
  4. Read the first book you touch.
    1. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this yet.  I have another prompt on my Popsugar list that is basically the same challenge.  I've got a ton of books on my physical bookshelves that I can use, but they are all pretty long.  Since most of my other books are short this gives me a little more room for a longer book.  I'll probably post the something on instagram closer to the challenge on what I picked.
  5. Read a book completely outside of your house. 
    1. Emergency Skin by NK Jemison
    2. This is around 30 pages so it shouldn't be a problem for me to read it outside of my house.  I have a really nice front porch and backyard  that will work nicely if I can't get away from home because of coronavirus.
  6. Read a book in a genre that you’ve always wanted to read more of. 
    1. I have a read harder challenge to read a play so this kills 2 prompts with one "book".  Plays are something I never read and this one has won a ton of awards.
    2. How I Learned to Drive by Paula Vogel
  7. Read a book that takes place on a different continent than where you live.
    1. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.  
    2. I've had the audiobook of this for quite a while now, and this is a great time to read this classic.

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