Friday, October 7, 2016

Review: Fall from India Place by Samantha Young

Fall from India Place Fall from India Place by Samantha Young
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

OK so I read these a bit out of order, so I kind of already knew about the plot twist in this one. In all honestly, all the books stand on their own, but it makes a little more sense cast and character wise if you read them in order. I recommend reading them in order, I read Cole and Shannon's story first so I kind of already knew what happened in this one so I think it really impacted my enjoyment of the story.

We first meed Hanna Nichols in on Dublin Street when she is 13 or 14, just before or just as she meets Marco. As a teen she is a smart, shy, nose in a book girl who is dedicated to her family. Marco is from Chicago, he's gotten in trouble so his grandparents send him to live in Scotland with his aunt and uncle. Marco has not had it easy, and Hannah has never really known hardship. One day 14 year old Hannah stays late from school and misses the bus, some thugs try start to harass her when 17 year old Marco comes to defend and protect her. A friendship forms. I enjoyed this part of the book flipping between getting to know current time Hannah who is in her early 20s and teaching high school English and teenage Hannah. In the past we get to learn about Hannah and Marco's friendship and how she's always been in love with him but he kept her at a distance. In the present, Marco comes crashing back into her life and wants forgiveness for leaving her so abruptly when they were younger. They both have secrets, and they both are still mad for each other. Can they get over the pain of the past to make their future work?

I have to admit that the chapters and chapters of Hannah not being able to let go of her hurt and baggage got a bit repetitive after a while. You know she is going to let it go and get with Marco in the end, but it takes a bit to long to happen in my opinion. The why she is mad and hurt makes sense, but the length of time it takes to get over it seemed a bit whiny and immature. That might actually be appropriate for her age and the situation, I think she was only 22 and Marco was her first and only love. Her constant, I love Marco but I refuse to be with him and forgive him got old after 10 or so chapters. She gives some amazing advice to her class after a tragedy occurs, yet she doesn't take her own advice. Marco tells her his secrets fairly early on in their renewed relationship, yet she is determined to punish the both of them for something that neither of them could have controlled. It got old after a while. As I said earlier, I knew what the plot twist was as to why their relationship would be tested going into the book so I think that impacted my enjoyment of this one. I typically love Samantha Young's ODS series.

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